Wednesday, February 02, 2005

story so far

the trip to the dentist went relatively well, considering it's been longer than i care to admit since i've seen one. still no cavities! the bad news is that i'm going to have to have a couple of wisdom teeth pulled, since one is completely horizontal in my jaw. apparently this is not the ideal configuration. i guess they'll have to put me under for the surgery - i've only had surgery once before, and it was just a local anaesthetic then, so i'm not sure what i think about the unconsciousness part of the procedure...

went over to Musicstop and listened to a salesman talking to some guys about buying a first acoustic guitar. i decided it was time to leave when i began to see the sense in buying a $500 - 600 guitar to LEARN on. i hate that, when you don't really feel like you know what you're doing, and maybe you should consider yourself privileged to even be allowed into the store, and if you pick the wrong thing everyone is going to roll their eyes or laugh. okay, so that's a bit extreme, but you get the idea.

hoping that the evening shapes up better than the day has...


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