Monday, February 21, 2005

sunday night

what happened to everyone for movie night last night? i know it was cold out, but come on! i have to come from Highfield Dark by bus! :)

since there were only three of us (Mike, Cat, me), we ended up watching ABBA videos the whole night - actually very fun. there are some great pop songs there, and it's always enjoyable to sit back and criticize the dress, hairstyles and mannerisms of the 70s. and the costumes! and the accents (which is actually unfair, but they can make fun of mine anytime)! and the nose-picking (it's true)! and the inch-thick coating of vaseline on the lens! and the Bergman visual references! and the apparent cosmetic surgery! and the video effects! and the meaningful, sincere, longing gazes into the camera! and the thigh-high boots! okay, now i've said too much.

on the partially watched movie front, yesterday i watched the last half-hour of The Barbarian Invasions (quite moving, full of dignity and honest feeling), and 10 minutes of A Mighty Wind (the scene in which The Folksmen are horrified to learn that The New Main Street Singers are covering their song "Wandrin'", stealing their opening number - seen this one before, very funny, Mitch and Mickey almost poignant).


Blogger kat said...

your schedule is insane, but I will see you on Saturday (am off too, yay!). I hope things are getting better at work (tempted to scream "Idiots" at them, napoleon dynamite style) ... also, I can't believe mike made you watch the abba videos, that is so movie-night-2-yrs-ago ...

5:37 PM  
Blogger Becka Barker said...

I plead being away! Though I had my own private movie night on the plane, watching Flavor Flav and Brigitte Neilsen turning each other on, on "The Surreal Life". I got more TV channels on the plane than I do at home!

7:22 PM  

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